Have you ever wanted to play a flash game on your LeapPad? Well... the LeapPad runs on it. And so can your device!
Here's what you will need:
First, download the LeapPad Manager. Spiffyhacks is gone forever, so I will put an archived link to download it here.
I am also hosting a Base for it. So if you need it, download it here.
You will also need 7-zip File Manager. ok last link i swear
Extract the LeapPad Manager and the Base. In the base, download and put an SWF in the folder. (REMOVE "REPLACE-ME.swf" and replace it with your own.) (Make sure that the SWF you are using is not anything above ActionScript 1.0. The LeapPad will quit to the home screen if done so. So, Scratch 2 is out of the question.)
Open up "meta.inf" in Notepad. Edit the values shown in the inf file. (DO NOT replace the Package ID letters "DEAK" as it will not work.) (AppSo is the place for the SWF File. Please input the full SWF name.)
"Base_DA.png" is the app icon. Edit it to your liking.
Once done, right click on all of the files (Control+A then right click) then choose 7-Zip > Add to archive. Choose .tar as the archive format and choose POSIX as the compression method. (Using GNU will cause the app to auto delete itself.)
Once done, open up the LeapPad Mangager and connect your LeapPad until it shows the connect screen. Go to LeapPad > Connect. Once connected, go to LeapPad > Install. Choose the TAR file you packed. If it says "Installed APP_NAME" where APP_NAME is your name for the game, you did it!
You are done! Now, Let's get some A's to your Q's.
Q: Why does it say package invalid? A: You modified the 4 letters, didn't you?
Q: Why isn't the thing showing up? A: Use the POSIX compression method instead of the GNU compression method.
Q: The game showed up, but now is replaced with a down arrow or gray circle? After a reboot, it's gone! A: Disable your Internet Connection. The LeapPad is checking for unverified apps over Wi-Fi.
And, that's all! If you want to go home, click here!